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Gibbot Robot

This purple little guy is the Gibbot, a robot designed at Northwestern University. The Gibbot moves through repetitive horizontal swinging: there's no net vertical motion, which means that the Gibbot doesn't really have to expend much in the way of energy fighting gravity. Once it gets going, the Gibbot can move very fast by just grabbing on and letting go at the right times. Figuring out what these times are though is the tricky part.


Gibbons are mammals, found in dense forests of southern Asia. They grow to be about 20 inches tall and live up to 25 years in the wild. Gibbons don't have tails, and the color of their long fur varies between cream, brown, and black. These primates primarily eat fruits, but sometimes they eat leaves and insects, too. Gibbons live in family groups with a mom and a dad and their young. The way they swing from tree to tree, called brachiating, allows them to move through the jungle at up to 35 miles per hour!